Need for Approval
Exams came around again. This year I studied consistently, and frankly I enjoyed studying! Using highlighters, making notes, drawing diagrams, pretty fun if you think about it! I didn't sacrifice Catan (a board game I play with Chechi, more on that later) and had fun also! I went through question banks, watched videos, etc. Pro tip: The given textbook is the bible, everything else is supplementary only. We were giving exams at school! It was a lot of fun and I thought I crushed the exams! I had fun, played board games throughout and killed it! Could I be any happier? Especially with Mathematics. Last year, in the Grade 8 final exam, I saw a problem that I couldn't solve, panicked and lost 5 marks. I lost out to Apurva, who killed it by the way :) This time, Maths had made me very nervous because of the last paper. I studied very hard this time. The whole paper was a breeze until I came to No 16! I panicked for a good 10 minutes. That numbness overcame me. But, I had evolved....