Thoughts: But he said

I have come across many problems. Many of my own, many of my peers. Most of them have a solution. But some do not. These are when we cannot control the solution directly. 

One day a child in our van came to me and Brahmani. (In 2019)

Clearly distressed he came to us, 'Akka, she called me a donkey. '

I thought about it. As a toddler I learnt a clear method of justice. You make a mistake you say sorry. But, what if that person is not going to say sorry? What if he somehow is not compelled by the teacher to say sorry ? What if he cannot be blackmailed by threatening to call his parents? 

I thought it out. What if someone calls me something a little bit worse than a donkey. What would I do. I could not run home to my parents or my teachers. Sympathy is all I would get. That person may not be interested in talking things out and apologising. How would I get him to work it out with me? 

Picture Credit: Brahmani T

There I realised is the creator of my problems. We always want someone to do something, or want someone to not do something. But, we cannot control everyone. They are their own people. There is no point in stressing over something you cannot change. So what do we do if someone calls us a donkey? 

There is an interesting thing.. 

Today, if someone calls you and says, 'Anjali, you are a wizard' I would laugh in his face

But if someone says You are Dumb I believe that I am. How can he say that? 

That's just it. If someone says you are a donkey, you don't become a donkey. You are still you. Unless that person happens to be a wizard. Animoza Espinoza. (Wizards of Waverly Place)


  1. Good one Anjali. I remember someone telling me that we don't get offended when someone calls us a purple pig because we definitely are not one but we get offended when someone calls us a donkey because we suspect we might be one. But the truth like you said appears to be that we are not or do not become a donkey merely because someone said that.

    Good one. I'll try to keep this in mind when I deal with people today. :)


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