Man or Monkey?

Man was a monkey, a wild animal and a member of the animal kingdom. Atleast,  According to Darwin's theory of natural selection. When man was a monkey, the biosphere thrived because nature took care of its itself. Everything went on naturally. Grass was eaten, prey killed, population in check. Everyone  lived together in such a way that power was equally distributed. Greed did not exist. Only the necessary amount of killing or eating was done. 

Then man developed language. He went and developed this attitude that made him the first priority. Animals are no longer co-habitants or equals, but second priority or servants. If man is hungry, the animals die. If man is thirsty, their rivers are dammed. 

So. Wouldn't it just be nice to go back to this form of living? A living free of global warming and pollution and deforestation and improper land use. Instead , let nature take the wheel. It can sort out stuff. Get in touch with our inner animal and simply survive.

 Language is perhaps then both a curse and a boon. I don't know. Sometimes I go this way and then the other. Best to stay in the question.  


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