Experience : Take Off : 10X your life - OKRs with Nana

 Embarking upon their first joint venture as 'Heart & Soul' , my father began a program based on the book 'Measure What Matters' - Take Off- OKRs!

Initially, I only joined for the sake of supporting my parents, but it turned out to be very interesting. The simple funda is that OKR stands for Objective - Key Results. Objectives are goals that if achieved will signigicantly impact your life. For example, one of my four objectives was to get 3 published pieced by Jan 2021. Your objectives should make you uncomfortable, they should make you a little apprehensive. 

The KR's now are the 3-4 KEY results that will lead to your Objective. For example, for the above Objective, my key-results were as follows :

- Blog weekly, i.e, have 16 blogs up by the end of the year

- Read Quality Books every week (Starting with Wuthering Heights)

- Identify Students' Newspapers / Magazines / Poetry Journals that take submissions by Sep 15th

- Send submissions to the School Blog

- Write something daily (Thoughts, Journal, Blog, poetry, anything)

- Get feedback on the writing from non-biased people who give constructive criticism

One point to note about KR's is that they must be Quantified or Time-bound. Instead of 'Blog regularly', you could say 'Blog once a week on Monday, or upload 10 blogs by the end of the month'. 

But here, my objective can be given Constraints and conditions . My other Objective was to achieve 100% in every Term-I exam while enjoying the process of studying. The more conditions we add , the more we are forced to maximise the usability of our resources, our assets and our time. 

I created a total of four OKRs for myself:

1.  Objective : To get 100% in every Term-I exam while enjoying the process

    KR's : - Identify Weak Points and Subjects and start there

    - Pay great attention in class. Actively participate and volunteer

    - Read every chapter within 3 days of teaching and then  follow 1day,1week method

    - Solve 300+ MCQs each subject

    -Keep Checklist Visible

    - Finish 1st Revision by Oct 20

    - Finish 2nd Revision by Nov1

2. Objective: To live a healthy lifestyle and reach my ideal fitness level while having fun

    KR's : - Exercise 5 times a week and enjoy it - Walks, Walk at Homes, Dance, Sport, Cycling

    - Eat Wholesome Foods, what feels right for atleast 2 /3 meals

    - No food with a FACE

    - Limit Screen Time to 1h

    - Replace time with REading, Writing, Painting, Connecting to people

3. Objective: To feel complete and figure out what it takes for me to be happy

    - Write 15 minutes of Diary Pages every day, i.e - Have 19 diary entries by Oct 2

    - Set 2-5 minutes to be with self everyday

    - Do daily Time Auit

    -Listen to the right Music - ABBA!

    - Surround yourself with positivity through TV, Movies, etc.

    - Call one person a week.

The program includes Nana, Mama, Pallavi, Vanathi Aunty and Suhita Maushi who are a lot of fun to do this with. They have amazing OKRs too, ranging from winning an Oscar, to learning how to drive to getting an International MBA. I'm sure we all will laugh and smile our way to our OKRs. Having a group makes us answerable, not to the group, but just to ourselves. 

OKR - To do for today - Exercise- Check ; Diary-Check ; Now, blog- Check. 

Check out Angela by Motley Crue!


  1. Thanks Anjali for writing about the program. Glad you liked it. You have already used the idea before so you know (how) it works. It's simple and intuitive really, if you can step aside and see your real potential. I liked how you set your OKRs too - clear, crisp, concise. Looking forward to reading your new blogs.


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