Opinion(STRONG OPINION): Why Feminism is NOT a fad

These feminists these days. What else do they want? They can vote, they can work. Such attention-seekers.

Suna tho hoga? 

But that's the point. We need to seek attention. Because sexism , misogyny and patriarchy exists everywhere. Even in the most "forward" of families. When you point it out, you have decided to shake things up. People, as a group, do not like when such things happen

What comes next is a real test of your 'liberal ideas'. 

Have you every wondered? Maybe my mother does not have to do all the work. Maybe it is not her duty from birth to become a disrespected manager of someone's house and children. Maybe we could be nicer to her, since she's doing everything for us. Why is it normal to expect the Mother to cook every single meal? Ever thought that maybe she has a life outside of the kitchen. Maybe she has a dream, maybe she wanted to be more than this. 

Why do we hear that the Father is the Head of the house? Kyu? Papa se kyu poochoge? Is not a marriage a contract? In which you live together? Are not the children yours together?

Girl Power! Get that Mango!

Why is it normal to hear misogynistic jokes from Uncles and on TV shows? 'Biwi ka Khana to Bakwaas Hai'. Accha ji, aapko Biwi chahiye ki Bawarchi?

Why do we hear from Aunty jis and Uncles, -  Graduation , then Post graduation, then settle down? Is the end of our life just this? 

Why do girls feel unsafe walking down a street with men? Why is it the girl's fault if she wants to walk at night? Has she not earned the right to walk whenever she pleases? Has she not the right to wear whatever she wants? 

It is not the girls that have to change their clothes, or their assertiveness, but the world that has to change. 

Why are we so used to intolerance that we cannot recognise it anymore? She is a working woman. Taaliya mat bajao! Work is fine, but when did housework become her job. We live in a different world, where a man and a woman are not tied down to their prehistoric roles. The argument that Women are better at cooking or cleaning or whatever it is falls flat. Today, we live in a world where we can be whatever we want. Where we don't need a partner to make it through the day. 

All of this is still in the 'forward families'. In the lower middle class, abuse against women is more prevalent than we think it is. Emotional, physical , verbal. 

So, the next time you hear, 'Patriarchy is normal' or 'These attention-seeking feminists' atleast understand what is wrong with it, before you feel too afraid to speak up. 


  1. Bravo. Nicely put Anjali. You're right, we have made progress, but there's still a long way to go. Here's to a world that's equal in all senses, a world you must (and surely will) experience.


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