Why I write

 Now, it's been a while since I wrote a long array of blogs. No judgey. But, writing brings back good thoughts. Writing brings back that feeling of relief knowing that someone somewhere could read what I have to say, if they would just search for 'Anjali Paruvu Opinions'. Isn't that on your search history?

Anyhoo, I wanted to put into words what makes me want to articulate the flying mess of consonants and vowels into blogs with short, simple sentences. All my life, I have had thoughts (big shocker, Anjali!). Wacky ones, funny ones, mean ones, sad ones, and a lot of question ones. These question ones were questions I thought no one cares about. Or if they had thought it, they would have thought it was unimportant and left it alone, right? How could I have a question no one thought of? I'm no genius. 

But, the more questions I left unasked, the more thoughts I leftunspoken, the more injustices I didn't protest, the worse I felt. And it never even clicked for me. Not sharing MY opinion, asking MY questions became involuntary. I felt this itch. All day, multiple days at times. This itch that I didn't say it. I would stay up thinking about it at night. 'But if you said this and she said that and then, but forget it, that's stupid!'

It was probably when I started my blog that I began to feel better. I felt heard. I could actually tell people what I thought. The more I wrote about what I felt and what I say, the more confident I became in what I believed in, in who I was. I don't feel afraid of what people will think of me or how I will be questioned. Because, I like questions. And, I like who I am.

The reason I write is for me. Me and me and me only, at its roots. Sure, social justice sometimes, throw in some activism. But, the reason I write is because it gives me peace. 

Peace Out! 


  1. Wah. Well said. I also feel writing gives me peace, of having addressed a particular thought that I am not able to make sense of, and then having made some sense of it after I wrote. It also makes me more honest, less cluttered. So peace out is good. 😊

  2. True.writing gives freedom from emotion.voicing our opinion is good.

  3. You kept me from going to peaces..just kidding.

  4. Wishing for you ever deepening peace, ever widening perspectives, and ever simplifying clarity. :-) Keep writing...expressing...and manifesting more and more of what is true in yourself...


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